Will You Still Love Me In The Morning?

by Brian Clemens & Dennis Spooner

June 2007  


Richard Wilbourne (Jeremy Winthrop), Sam Towers (Celia Winthrop), John Western (Humphrey Jessel), Shirley Dodson (Thelma Jessel), Adrian Peace (Peregrine Ward), Tina Ryan (Sara Ward), Geoff Peace (Syd)

Producer: Julia Edwards

Jeremy and Celia return a week early from their unsuccessful honeymoon to find that both Jeremy's working partners have accepted his offer to stay in his house while they are away; the only problem is they have bought the other's wife with them.

Jeremy discovers one illicit couple, Celia the other, and both issue invitations to join the newly-weds for dinner. Complications pile up thick and fast as, realizing their dilemma, and desperate to make a good impression on Jeremy's colleagues, the couple have to stage two dinner parties - simultaneously!- one on the patio and one in the dining room.