
by Agatha Christie       November 2015


John Fisher (Lester Cole), Zena Howarth (Mrs Roper), Zoe Roberts (Lisa Koletzky), Tony Manders (Karl Hendryk), Robert Elrick (Dr Stoner), Annie Harvey (Anya Hendryk), Laura Curtis (Helen Rollander), Clive Baker (Sir William Rollander), David Thompson (Inspector Ogden), Tom Freegard (Sergeant Pearce)

Producer: Julia Edwards

The Hendryks, refugees in England, have lost everything.

Karl, with his talent, charm and hard work rebuilds their lives but Anya, his wife, has a debilitating illness so her cousin Lisa lives with them to run the house. The three are very close but their serenity is shattered when wealthy, headstrong Helen becomes infatuated with Karl and bribes her way into taking private lessons from him with disastrous consequences.

An unusual Agatha Christie as the murderer  is known to the audience and the drama is in whether anyone will be brought to justice.